BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                   Agenda:    Regular Meeting

Arden Manor Recreation and Park District                        Date:         December 19, 2024

1415 Rushden Drive, Sacramento, CA 95864                         Time:         6:30 PM

Phone (916) 487-7851   Fax (916) 487-2028                           Location:  1415 Rushden Drive,                                                                                     Sacramento, CA 95864



a)    Pledge of Allegiance


a)      Roll Call and Introduction of Guests

Jeremy Cullifer, Chair            Jake Baumgartner, Vice Chair

Warren Harding, Director       Leah Joyner, Director

William Cho, Director           



Arden Manor Recreation and Park District, in partnership with the community, contributes to a high quality of life for residents of all ages in a safe, clean, healthy environment.  Residents participate in programs that promote and enrich individual, family, and cultural harmony and prosperity



Members of the public may address the Board on general District topics not listed on this agenda or on specific agenda items when the items are heard.  Persons who wish to comment on either agenda or non-agenda items should fill out a comment card located on the table in the rear of the room and give it to the General Manager. The Chair will call for comments at the appropriate time. A time limit of three (3) minutes will be observed for each speaker. It is a violation of state law for the Board to discuss or take action on non-agenda items.  Board members may only ask brief clarifying questions or refer the matter to staff.


5.       Board Member Swearing In:  The board will swear in the new Directors.  The board will vote to appoint Directors to the names positions of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.  Committee appointments for Recreation, Maintenance, Finance, Personnel, and Master Plan will also be discussed.



a)      Consent Agenda

i)    Minutes of the November 21, 2024, Regular Board Meeting

ii)  Payroll, Supplies, and Revenue Year to Date

iii)   Program Revenue and Refund Report for November 2024

iv)Payroll Report for November 2024

v)   Claims for November 2024

vi)Revolving Fund Report for November 2024

vii) Fulton El Camino Police Department Report for November 2024

viii)              Correspondence

b)     Fulton El Camino Police Department Update:  The board will receive a report regarding the updates since the disbandment of the Fulton El Camino Parks Police.  The District Manager attended several meetings with the other involved districts, as well as representatives of the CHP and the Sheriff Department. 

c)      Motion Introduced by Director Warren Harding to Eliminate Stipends for the Board Chairs:  The board will receive a report discussing the stipend pay of several other districts.  The board will then vote on a motion to end stipends for the Board.

d)     Motion to approve Cost of Living Increase for Employees for 2025:   The board will vote on a motion to increase the COLA for 2025.  This is based on the new pay scale policy allowing Cost of Living Increases based on increases in Minimum Wage.


7.      REPORTS

a)   District Manager

b)   Maintenance Report






Next Regular Board Meeting Thursday, January 16, 2025


AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ACCOMODATIONS If you are a person with a disability and you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, then please contact Kelly Lewellen at (916) 487-7851. Requests must be made as early as possible, and at least three full business days before the start of the meeting.


BOARD MEETING MATERIALS - Non-confidential documents or writings for items on this agenda submitted to the Board of Directors after distribution of the Board Packet are available to the public at the same time at the address listed above during regular business hours.


MEETING RECORDINGS – Members of the public are hereby notified that meetings of the Board of Directors are recorded.  Requests for the audio recordings may be directed to the District Administrator, Maria Boland.